Living A Fuller Life Through Meditation

I eat a high protein, high carbohydrate breakfast, a light lunch, and a moderately heavy, yet balanced dinner. Laughter releases chemicals into your body naturally that elevates your happy factor. During workouts, drink as much as your body demands.

Like a worn out recording, I say again, dieting is not exactly rocket science. I am a pretty simple guy who hates keeping track of numbers. I think healthy living boils down to a few simple rules when it comes to diet. And I do not believe those rules change all that much regardless of whether one wants to gain weight or lose weight.

Your diet can also benefit from the addition of supplements. Because most of us aren't able to eat perfectly each day, adding some vitamins and minerals can help to fill in the gaps. Most physicians will recommend a well-rounded multivitamin each day for healthy adults. Women should consider also taking an additional calcium supplement to help protect their bones. Both genders can benefit from taking fish oil supplements or adding a few serving of fatty fish to their diets each week as well.

I have a 3 year old son and if you are reading this right now and also have a son that age or been there already then you know that they are extremely active and their always keeping you on the go. Well I can say that I am not tired after a weekend of chasing him around all the time.

1) Eat breakfast - it's amazing to me how many people leave the house for school or work without anything in their stomach. Who lets their kids go to school hungry? Unfortunately, this is a huge problem. "I'm not hungry" and "I don't have enough time" are two of the most common excuses. No more excuses! Studies have proven that eating anything before going to school leads to better test scores in morning classes. If you not eating breakfast, then start with something tomorrow. It can be cereal and milk or Beneficial healthy habits other traditional breakfast foods or even a slice of leftover pizza. If you can't stomach solid food, drink a slim-fast/ensure or other liquid meal supplement. This one change will increase your metabolism and raise your glucose level giving you more energy and better concentration.

The modern day staples of our diet make up almost every meal that we eat. Sandwiches for lunch and pasta dishes for dinner. What people do not mentions is that wheat (Bread, Pasta and many other foods) is perhaps the most common food sensitivity today. This means every time you are eating your bread or pasta (including whole grain, organic etc) your body is fighting the very food you are think is healthy. The result of this is usually bloating and fat gain. Though the properties of bread and pasta make it more likely to be a food sensitivity than other foods it is more to do with the complete domination these foods have within our diet. Very often people go for years without having a day without eating these products. The human body does not react well to eating the same foods day in day out.

So my Healthy living advice is, stay active, but don't overdo it. Incorporate physical activity into your everyday routines. Walk to the shops, don't drive or take the bus. Go for a pleasant stroll on a nice day. Ride a bike in the park. Go up and down the stairs several times a day. Just. Keep. Physically. Active.

If you don't know what to do, ask around. Don't limit yourself. Remember there are also all types of exercise videos available to rent, and at your local library, too.

You know what makes you feel good and what doesn't. If drinking plenty of water, taking certain supplements, or eating multiple small meals a day makes you feel better, then you already know more than the experts. Similarly, you probably know which of your "bad" habits make you feel ill, like eating too much sugar or spending too much time at your desk. If you are not sure what makes you feel better or worse, keep a diary for seven to twenty-one days. Log your daily food intake, exercise, level of stress, amount of sleep, and anything else that might affect your level of health. Notice what happens when you add or vary any of your habits.

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